World History
Word to Blackboard Test Converter
If you use Blackboard and want to give tests on it, you can use this site to upload Word Documents and then instantly (and for free) convert them to an item that can be used in Blackboard. The link also tells how to get them into Blackboard.
Embedding Remind Texts In Blackboard
So in my school district a lot of people like using the "Announcement" tab in Blackboard. The problem with that is if you change it to just a text (which is possible) then all teachers have to be limited to a text. So, of course, many people who...
Free Pdf Converter
For years I have used Pdftoword to convert pdfs to word documents. Google Drive also now does it, but not as consistently well as Pdftoword. But the problem with the latter is that it only lets you convert a few pages. Well Free Online...
Google Sites For Education
Google sites is a great platform that allows you to create a class website where you can embed assignments, video clips, and even Google Forms for short assessments. Google gives you more flexibility than Blackboard and has more apps that work seamlessly...
Blackboard Quiz Converter
We are mandated to use Blackboard and while I link a ton of things to it, here is an easy way to create a file which you can import into Bb for a pre-made quiz. Just cut and paste the quiz in the box and push the bottom to convert it. Then...
Presentation From Google Docs
We do a ton of collaboration at my school so I can tell you that I have added very little to the PowerPoint above. But I did upload it into the "Presentation" mode (Google's name for PowerPoint) and since I my district requires us to use Blackboard,...
World History