World History
Why Study History?
More often than not, the students who will walk in my classroom for the first time this coming Tuesday (yes I am getting excited for year #24) do not appreciate the reasons for studying history. So the very first exercise we will carry out will be to consider why we should study it. If you have a similar plan you might like the these two short clips. The one above, your students will like best and the one above (only the first minute), you will appreciate more.
How To Prepare For A Test
My mom asked me the other day where I get all of my ideas and sites for the blogs. I told her that I basically just teach and search for answers to all of my questions. For example the other day a friend asked me for help with her daughter's...
Effective Classroom Methodology
As I begin a new school year - my 25th, (my student have their first day on Tuesday) I always like to reflect on what setup (beyond the physical part) is best for my students. So Hip (Keith Hughes) has a great list of what is most important...
How To Study For A Test
When I was growing up I was expected to "always do my best." I translated this to studying for my midterm exams several weeks in advance over the winter break, always doing it two or three times prior to a normal exam and even arguing post test...
Digital Study Buddies To Improve Retention
Too many kids do not study for tests and still more think studying is just filling out a study guide. Sure you could argue that our students have become desensitized to them due to the incredible number they take, but I try to get them to get into groups...
Why Study History?
Believe it or not I have yet to meet my students, but will finally do so tomorrow and Wednesday (and yes I am excited). We spend the first day getting to know each other (no rules, threats of state/national exams) as I believe relationships are...
World History