Trench Warfare Video
World History

Trench Warfare Video

I was looking for images of trench warfare and came up with this video from the Battle of  the  Somme.  But it not only has that, but actual footage of the trenches (including some dead soldiers) as well as interviews with British soldiers who were there.   You can quickly drag the circle to show your students some highlights, but it beats explaining what a trench looked like. 

- Joe Sacco's Wordless 24-panel Cartoon Of Battle Of Somme's First Day
Here is Joe Sacco explaining how he developed a 24 panel cartoon showing the first day of the Battle of Somme. He published it as a book in 2013. It's stunning in its black and white detail. Sacco notes in the video below how the loss of life struck...

- World Wars I And Ii
Here is a great site to help you teach World Wars I and II.  There are links to images, a comprehensive site on trench warfare, the PBS companion website for the wars and primary source interviews.  Now what might you do with it.  You could...

- Trench War Simulation
David Harms over at HistorySimulation has a free simulation on Trench Warfare which you or your students can upload onto your laptops.  Obviously the best way for your students to learn is through doing as opposed to being told what to do.  Above...

- Trench Warfare
Thanks to my colleague Sarah Whitley for sending along this terrific interactive site about trench warfare in World War 1. It's a Canadian site that gives your students a better understanding and appreciation of the natrue of trench warfare....

- Trench Warfare Animation
Trench Warfare AnimationThis is a great interactive website I stumbled upon today. It allows students to click all over the image to learn more about various aspects of trench warfare. It has animated graphics, narration and sound effects....

World History
