Tiny Url
World History

Tiny Url

From time to time I need to shorten my url.  For example if I am sending out a message using Remind101 to my  students, then my Google Docs url is too short so I get a truncated one.  For example, here is the entire url for a webquest my US government students are working on (concerning the presidential election if you are interested) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vFqnQlkG6itPL8ONSWonp_SVMd3O4Zft8-SW24A46x8/edit?hl=en_US and here is the tinyurl: http://tinyurl.com/6s72ust  Both end up at the same page. 

- Bitly Tutorial For Weblinks
I did a post a month ago on Bit.ly which allows you to shorten a url (much as Tinyurl and goo.ly allow you to do).  The advantage of this shortener is that you can tailor (as you can with Tinyurl) your link to something your students can remember...

- Remind101 Improves Its Site
Our county has an in-service in August for which I have organized ten groups to do presentations.   If you come to this site in August I will be putting all of those in-services and their "handouts" on this blog.  One of the sites we will discuss...

- Another Digital Essential For Your Teacher Backpack
If you search this site for Remind101 you will see that I am fairly obsessed with it as kids today do not use e-mail so this is the way to reach them.  You can create a section for each class and for as many classes as you have you will get...

- Remind Your Students To Do Homework During Summer School
With summer school starting shortly I wanted to tell you about one of the reasons why my students turned in their work at a higher level than ever before. I love it when a student e-mails me and asks the next day if I received the message.  My answer...

- New Google Changes
Google has been making a lot of changes recently to streamline all of its offerings into one area (part of CEO Larry Page's design) and in turn get people to join Google+.  I've read that it is up to 100 million, but my sense (and it is...

World History
