Three Years of the World History Blog
World History

Three Years of the World History Blog

Happy New Year! Last week, this blog successfully passed the three year birthday date. As blogs tend to have short lives, I am very happy to still be around and blogging on a regular basis.

Let me thank some people:

1. I appreciate all the readers who have bookmarked this blog and read it on a regular basis. My statistics for this blog have recorded many of you. Thanks!

2. I am thankful for all of the blogs out there (more than a hundred at this point) who have added the World History Blog to their blogrolls. Much appreciated!

3. My thanks to the many people in the history blogosphere who have allowed me to host three history carnivals in the last year and also submitted suggestions.

4. My deepest appreciation to Google which sends tons of queries here every day. Google giveth and Google taketh away but I am thankful for what I receive.

I am not thankful for stupid spammers who waste my time by submitting comments with the intent of only getting links to their sites. I still delete more comments than I approve. Many spammers are now attempting to actually write a good comment but then ruin it by including a link in the post (usually disguised behind a name or written to blend in with the Blogger comment admin options) which annoys me to no end.

Here are my three favorite posts from the last several years:

1. Hawaiian Independence? - This post seriously annoyed many separatists in the Hawaiian community based on the comments I received. I was the first (and only time!) time I rejected a comment based on a death threat. I have followed this up with several others posts on American separatists causes (Alaska, Hawaii, Texas, West Florida) which further develop the historical (and legal) reasons for rejecting bizarre claims of illegal American occupation of these quite legally, internationally recognized, and citizen supported American states.

2. The Dominion of British West Florida and Tips for Creating an American Separatist Cause - This post dealt with the strange claims of a microstate that exists only online which also is using bad history to claim illegal American ownership of a parts of the USA. In it, I introduced my Eight Tips for American Separatists which I have seen referenced on many sites on the Web.

3. John Titor, Fake Time Traveller - This fraud has been pretty convincingly debunked due to at least two predictions he has already missed. But many submitted comments which argue he has not been debunked. In essence, these arguments all argue new meanings for English language words to redefine ex post de facto failed prophecies. I am still not buying it.

I hope for a productive year four. Thanks again to all that have helped make this blog successful!

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- Miland Brown's Eight Tips For American Separatists
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World History
