The Urban History Association
World History

The Urban History Association

The Urban History Association. Purpose is to stimulate interest and research in the history of urban life in all periods and geographical areas. Includes organization information, online newsletter, conference announcements, and internet links.

From the site:

The Urban History Association was founded in Cincinnati in 1988 for the purpose of stimulating interest and forwarding research and study in the history of the city in all periods and geographical areas. It is affiliated with the International Planning History Society.

The charter membership of the association was 264. Today the association includes over 475 members world wide. While the majority of members are from the United States and Canada, the association also includes members from Austria, Australia, the Dominican Republic, the United Kingdom, France, Israel, the Netherlands, and New Zealand. Our ranks, besides a preponderance of college and university faculty, include architects, archivists, civil servants, editors, independent scholars, museum professionals, planner, public historians, and secondary school teachers. Though most of our members are urban historians who study the history of the city in the United States and Canada, the association has made a particular effort to reach scholars and professionals whose interests lie outside of North American history. In addition, the association welcomes scholars from any field who are interested in the history of the city in any period and geographical area. Besides urban history, our members includes individuals from a variety of other fields in history, including planning, architectural, social or cultural, ethnic, African-American, Native-American, economic, political, military, and western history. Our membership also includes scholars from the fields of American studies, sociology, womenÕs studies, ethnic studies, urban planning, material culture, literature, demography, museum studies, historic preservation, architecture, journalism, ethnic studies, anthropology, and political science.

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World History
