The History Channel and Rome
World History

The History Channel and Rome

The History Channel has a number of videos and articles on Rome.  Above is one on the Appian Way.  Here are five short videos on the Punic Wars. 

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- Hannibal Barca And The Punic Wars
Hannibal Barca and the Punic Wars - An extensive collection of articles, images, and link on Hannibal Barca and the conflict between Carthage and Rome. Includes artwork; profiles of people, places, and battles; and overviews of the competing civilizations'...

- Knowmia For Video Search
Keith Hughes who has a tremendous Youtube channel for US and government (and 17 videos for WH) just told me about Knowmia.   Keith's Knowmia page is here. There is a search engine and you can set up your own page (for free) where you can...

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- Short Videos On Ancient Rome
So yes I am putting my ancient Rome unit together, it you couldn't guess.  Glencoe has some short videos on every topic found here.  Here are the five on Rome. ...

World History
