Tell a Story with QR Codes
World History

Tell a Story with QR Codes

The blog, Instructional Design Fusions, has an interesting story on how to use QR Codes in the classroom. The video above is a bit long and takes a minute or so to get used to the accent, but you'll get the general idea after a couple of minutes. It's got me thinking how I might use QR codes in world history.

- Using Qr Codes To Differentiate Instruction
Edutopia has a great story on how to use QR codes to differentiate instruction.  You can use QR codes to send students to the same website and create differentiated activities or you can create different codes for different groups. The article explains...

- Wwi Webquest, E-book, Qr Codes
Kim Belknap is taking my integrating technology in the classroom course (which I will be offering this summer to people who want to take it virtually - details will come out in early April).  She just did a great webquest on World War I using her...

- Qr Codes
This is a nice video explaining how to make QR codes and even make them in a variety of colors.    The post also mentions how you could create (see the pictures above) multiple QR codes on a page of paper (I just pass around one and have them...

- How To Use Qr Codes In The Classroom
My teacher students were rather eager to learn about how to use QR codes in the classroom for homework or other uses.  So after class I created the video above to show how to use it.  I explain all the steps from creating a webpage for your...

- Qr Codes For Homework
Probably today I am going to put three QR codes on a sheet of paper (people who know me will laugh at me using paper) and put it up in my room.  Each one of the codes will be tagged to a homework page for each one of my preps.  The students...

World History
