Samurai & Bushido
World History

Samurai & Bushido

Studying Japan? Here's a great two minute clip on the Samurai and the Code of Bushido from the History Channel. Thanks to Star Wars in the class for tweeting the link.

- Samurai
Samurai The originally Chinese term samurai means “a person who serves in close attendance to nobility.” Its original pronunciation was saburau, which later became saburai. Warriors known as bushi or samurai dominated the Japanese landscape...

- 47 Ronin
47 Ronin A ronin was a masterless samurai who had lost his privileged status in society. The tale of the 47 Ronin has become one of the central myths in Japanese history. It concerns a supposedly real-life story from the beginning of the 18th century...

- Ritual Suicide
Ritual Suicide. This short article has information on the ritual suicide practice known as Seppuku (or Hara-kiri). It was normally practiced by samurai in medieval Japan. The article notes, "To the samurai, seppuku--whether ordered as punishment or chosen...

- The Ninja Of Ancient Japan
The Ninja of Ancient Japan - Lists the origins of the ninja, their weapons, history, and famous ninja. Please note the author of this has repeatedly misspelled ancient. I have taken the liberty of correcting it here. It is of interest that President Clinton...

- Life In A Wwi Trench
Here's great four minute clip about life in a trench from the History channel. And here's a link to several other History Channel clips about the war, from U-Boats sinking the Lusitania to the two minute clip on the Treaty of Versailles, which...

World History
