Remind101 For Homework Reminders
World History

Remind101 For Homework Reminders

I have been using Remind101 since its conception two+ years ago to text my students their homework assignments.  What I have learned is that kids do not do their homework mostly because they forget, not because they don't want to.  Remind101 is not only a new sponsor of this blog, but it is incredibly simple.  If my students (and most do by the second week of school) decide to sign up then I tell them to use their first initial and last name and ask the parents (and lots of them sign up as well) to use Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr so I can tell whether it is a student or parent.  The only pitfall is that if I forget to text students a lot of them forget their work the next day.  

- Remind Your Students Using Texts
Today I found an article on the Washington Post that goes with along with what some of my students are doing for homework.  So, today I sent them the link to the article and was able to do it because all of my students voluntarily sign up for because...

- Remind101 To Communicate W. Students
When I speak to groups Remind101 is one of the items that gets the best reception.  It allows teachers to text willing (they have to sign up themselves) students and parents to receive homework reminders.  I usually set it so that students receive...

- Remind 101
When I speak to groups Remind101 is one of the items that gets the best reception.  It allows teachers to text willing (they have to sign up themselves) students and parents to receive homework reminders.  I usually set it so that students...

- How To Use Qr Codes In The Classroom
My teacher students were rather eager to learn about how to use QR codes in the classroom for homework or other uses.  So after class I created the video above to show how to use it.  I explain all the steps from creating a webpage for your...

- Another Digital Essential For Your Teacher Backpack
If you search this site for Remind101 you will see that I am fairly obsessed with it as kids today do not use e-mail so this is the way to reach them.  You can create a section for each class and for as many classes as you have you will get...

World History
