World History
Online Study Groups for Your Students
My students are not old enough to use Google+ (18 years old), but TinyChat will allow them to create chat rooms and have as many people as they want in it. Then kids can set up a room and then get to work on their project or studying for a test.
Alternatively your students can use a 12 person free room called Oovoo (which may be their answer to G+ since they just jumped to two more).
Changing The Face Of Instruction
I am a member of several Facebook teacher sites and am in the midst of adding to one where a teacher said his administration has banned front of the room teaching. A number of the teachers are saying how awful that is. Truth be known I have...
How To Prepare For A Test
My mom asked me the other day where I get all of my ideas and sites for the blogs. I told her that I basically just teach and search for answers to all of my questions. For example the other day a friend asked me for help with her daughter's...
Digital Study Buddies To Improve Retention
Too many kids do not study for tests and still more think studying is just filling out a study guide. Sure you could argue that our students have become desensitized to them due to the incredible number they take, but I try to get them to get into groups...
Three Great Informal Assessment Tools: Socrative, Wallwisher, Today'smeet
Here are excellent step-by-step directions from Richard Byrne (Free Technology for Teachers) on how to use three great informal assessment tools--Socrative--Today's Meet and Wallwisher. Socrative looks especially cool. It's a little like Poll...
Google + Circles For The Classroom
I found this from a Tweet from "mrpotter". It is exactly what I was looking for to be able to use in the classroom. It details how you could create a "circle" which is where you could put your students. Then when you (or they post something)...
World History