Netvibes to Aggregate the Sites You Follow
World History

Netvibes to Aggregate the Sites You Follow

Tomorrow I am starting my class for teachers who want to better integrate technology into the classroom.  One of the first thing I will teach them is how to aggregate all the sites you might want to follow so that you can quickly keep up to date.  The site I use to do this is 

- Professional Learning Communities
I just taught my department about professional learning communities (PLN) last week and would have loved to have had this webpage from InformEd.  PLNs are ways that people find new information beyond their school walls. It begins with...

- Google+ Personal Learning Community And Hangouts
Google+ was never slow to find users, but it has taken some time to get people to look at it a lot.  It now has more people using it than Twitter.  One of the reason for that is the hangouts in which you can meet with nine other people (and...

- Netvibes For Your Essential Digital Backpack
With iGoogle going the way of the Dodo bird in November 2013, after researching it, I have decided to go with Netvibes.  If you are like me and want to have all of your blogs, newspapers, e-mails, rss feed, Twitter, Facebook, etc. in one place,...

- Netvibes Instead Of Igoogle
Google recently announced that they are jettisoning their iGoogle page in November 2013.  I can't tell you how much I depend on that page as I am always on Google and it makes for an easy way to see my news feeds.  I have, though, found...

- Remind101 Iphone App
One of the sites that I have loved this year is which lets teachers text (without ever knowing the kids' phone numbers) reminders for assignments, tests, etc.  I always set it at the time I make the assignment as you can set the...

World History
