Meiji Revolution in 14 minutes
World History

Meiji Revolution in 14 minutes

Studying Imperialism in Asia? Here's an excellent 14 minute clip about the Meiji Revolution.

- The American Revolution
The American Revolution - To my American readers, Happy Independence Day! To visitors from the rest of the world, I hope you take a moment to explore one of the most significant revolutions in history. Designed to complement PBS' "Liberty!" series,...

- The Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution - Introduction to the principal players in the revolution. It also has a reading list, sections about relevant topics and links to useful websites. From the site: The purpose of this website is to provide biographies of the main...

- Mesopotamian History Clip
Here's an excellent 10 minute clip that reviews some interesting aspects of Mesopotamian history including Hammurabi's Code, cylindrical stone seals, the use of cedar trees for building material, tar to waterproof boat hulls, and gods who symbolized...

- The Opium War: Cnn Millennium
In AP World, we are starting imperialism. Here is CNN Millennium's excellent 8 minute clip on the Opium War....

- Who Wants To Be A Cotton Millionaire
Studying the Industrial Revolution? Take your kids to the computer lab and launch this site and have them play this game. It allows them to evaluate the different factors that entrepreneurs had to make if they wanted to make money in the new cotton industry....

World History
