Longitude & Latitude
World History

Longitude & Latitude

It seems that one of the hardest concepts I teach is longitude and latitude so assuming my ESOL peer co-teacher agrees, I'm going to let the kids do their learning from this flash page about longitude and latitude that includes not only multiple choice questions, but ones where you have to click on maps as well.  Pretty cool.  So while the kids are working on it, I and JJ (the other teacher) will move around the room.   Once the kids watch it then they will have to do this e-sheet. 

- Nova: Lost At Sea - The Search For Longitude
NOVA: Lost at Sea - The Search for Longitude. Companion to the PBS special about the quest for a method of determining a seafaring ship's longitude. This site has information on why ocean navigation depends on knowing what time it is. In addition,...

- Flipping And Grouping To A Better Learning Environment
Two days ago my county's deputy superintendent spent part of a period with one of my classes.  He was curious how we were doing with our Chromebooks.  One of my students said something like she really liked the class because "We live in...

- Changing The Face Of Instruction
I am a member of several Facebook teacher sites and am in the midst of adding to one where a teacher said his administration has banned front of the room teaching.  A number of the teachers are saying how awful that is.  Truth be known I have...

- World History I Review
So it is about time that I put up some review assignments.  I wish I knew who to credit for the two I am posting now, but the minute I became dept chair I created a digital folder for all of our subjects and it has been added to and used by all of...

- World Geography E-textbook
When I first began teaching (21 years ago!), I taught a world geography course for several years (since exiled from VA and incorporated into world history) for which this book would have been perfect.  But for world history teachers the first chapter...

World History
