Julius Caesar - The Assassination
World History

Julius Caesar - The Assassination

Julius Caesar - The Assassination. Wow! HBO Rome ended last night. As expected, Caesar meet his end at the hands of assassins. I did not figure that the writers would change history and let Caesar live but strange things happen on TV sometimes.

As Brutus approached Caesar and placed the final blow, Caesar did not say, "Et tu, Brutus?" I guess this is just from Shakespeare and not a real historical quote as HBO left it out.

I think the second season of HBO Rome will focus on Marc Anthony seizing power and bringing all the assassins to justice. At the same time, we will see the maturation of Octavian and the start of his conflict with Anthony. Perhaps the third season will show the war between Anthony and Octavian and Octavian's triumph as the Emperor Augustus? Roman history is rich and there is a lot that this series can do with it.

I have blogged a brief article on the assassination of Julius Caesar. There is a lot out there on this (including some more detailed articles) but this is a good overview.

From the site:

In 44 BCE Caesar started planning a campaign against the Parthian empire. Why is not known, but it could be that he didn't feel safe or at ease in Rome, that he preferred the life with his soldiers in the military camp, or that he still wanted more conquest with the personal honour and glory it brought with it. In either case, the Parthian campaign was not to be.

On the 15th of March (the famous Ides of March) he was called to a meeting in the senate, a meeting held in the Theatre of Pompey to discuss the preparations for the war against Parthia.

On his arrival he was surrounded by a group of senators who pulled out knives from under their togas and stabbed him to death. Caesar was left dead on the floor at the feet of a statue of his friend and enemy Pompey.

The conspirators, who were led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus, both followers of Pompey pardoned by Caesar after Pharsalus, rushed to the Forum Romanum, still covered in Caesar's blood, to be hailed as tyrannicides and saviours of the Republic. Caesar's co-consul Marcus Antonius and M. Aemilius Lepidus, both close allies of Caesar, and the senators not involved in the assassination, went into hiding not knowing what to expect, but the conspirators had no plans for what to do after the assassination.

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World History
