World History
Human Evolution Timeline
Here is a very nice human evolution timeline from the Smithsonian Institution. As you move over it, you can click on items to get more details. When teaching early man, or anything for that matter, context and relations to other items helps so this should be effective in teaching early man.
Human Evolution Speeding Up?
Ralph E. Schmid at Time has an article titled Human Evolution Speeding Up? In it he wrote, "People are evolving more rapidly than in the distant past, with residents of various continents becoming increasingly different from one another, researchers say."...
Smithonian Source - Resources For Teaching American History
Smithonian Source - Resources for Teaching American History. The site exclaims, "Find teacher-selected resources that allow you to peer over the historian's shoulder and share the excitement of discovery." Despite some annoying background music and...
William Harvey & Human Anatomy: Great Clip
Try to explain the importance of William Harvey to students and their eyes glaze over. This great video from the Smithsonian Science Festival helps explain his significance, suggesting that he "literally wrote the book on human anatomy."...
Big History Project & Putting Learning In Context
Bill Gates seems to like getting involved in the way we are teaching our students. He has helped bank roll the Khan Academy, Common Core and now, from his personal money (as opposed to the Gates Foundation), he is helping to promote a connected...
Chromebooks For Inexpensive Learning
I keep telling people that we are in the middle stage of converting from teaching using paper to a digital format. As we move online, we will have cheaper and cheaper devices because all we will need is a delivery device. If any of your students...
World History