World History
How Twitter is Reinventing Collaboration Among Educators
Interesting article at MediaShift about how to use Twitter for collaboration. It includes lots of links to various education chats. There are, according to the article, over 150 Twitter chats on education-related topics. And Edutopia has a story about how to use Twitter to"grow your PLN." Here is another article about the value of Twitter in education from NovemberLearning.
To set up a Twitter account, here's all you have to do (fyi--I copied these instruction directly from the Edutopia story.)
1) Go to and click Get Started Now. Fill in the fields. Where they ask for your Full Name, we suggest using your real name if you want to use Twitter as a professional networking resource. This way, people can recognize you.
2) Once you've completed the registration process, click Create my account. It will ask you to enter some text to ensure you're not a robot.
Educator's Guide To Twitter
Here is the best clip I have seen on how to use twitter in education. You can find out more about Twitter and education here. ...
More On Twitter: Educators Discuss Its Value
Jerry Bluemengarten and Sean Junkins, a technologist in the Myrtle Beach, SC schools discuss the value of Twitter in the slideshow below. (I collected the tweets into a program called Storify and saved it as a slide show.)[View the story "Twitter in Education"...
Follow The Blogs On Google+ And Twitter
If you want to follow the blogs other ways, I also post all of them on my Twitter ("kenhalla") and Google+ (also "kenhalla") accounts which you can follow by going to the links. What is also nice about Twitter is that you can see who I am following...
To Tweet Or Not To Tweet
My colleague, Jeff Feinstein, and I jumped into Twitter full steam this week. We both created twitter feeds for our AP classes. The purpose of the feeds is to give kids updates, reminders, and links to interesting stories about subjects we are studying....
Setting Up Your Twitter Account
Introduction to Twitter for Educators Last week I introduced my "teacher students" to Twitter by asking what it was. The first answer was that it lets people know what you are doing during the day. While that is an excellent answer for a...
World History