How Europe's Borders Changed Over 2000 Years
World History

How Europe's Borders Changed Over 2000 Years

This is a great, and very quick video, to perhaps show at the beginning and end of your course to show your students how country borders have changed so much.  I found it from a Tweet from FC Tymrak.  

- The Mercator Map And Africa
At the beginning of the year most world history teachers need to teach the different types of maps. But this video above is the one I like students to see the impact of the Mercator map which was developed for sailors in the 1500s - not to show what...

- The Most Important Invention In Modern History - The Clock?!
This is a fascinating video arguing that the invention of the clock lead to a completely changed way of life for all of us, changing our sleep patterns, hurrying our lives, but also making us think more in terms of accounting for all part of our life...

- Cave Art
This is a very interesting article that you might add to when you talk about cave art at the beginning of your World History I course.   What is most interesting is that it is about cave art found in Indonesia that is at least 39,000 years old and...

- Malala Yousafza And Her Inspirational Message
The Daily Show Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on FacebookIf you ever have a student who doesn't want to do work, show them the first 30 seconds of this Jon Stewart interview with Malala Yousafzai who tomorrow may become the first...

- Just Since I've Been Married!
Google is one year older than my marriage.  Like the company my life has changed a lot during that time from adding a cat, then a dog, then three kids and finally another dog, Google has changed a lot as well as you can see from the graphic.  I'm...

World History
