How Does the Internet Work?
World History

How Does the Internet Work?

Former Senator Ted Stevens famously called the Internet a series of tubes for which Jon Stewart gave him a hard time.  The truth is that it is just that, a series of tubes, relay stations, data centers (where the "cloud" is kept).  Above is a short video showing how far you travel when you look at a url. If you want to read more information there is a great new short book called Tubes that you can read. 

- Ibn Battuta Lesson From Stanford's Reading Like A Historian
Stanford University's History for Education Reading Like a Historian, released a new World History lesson on the travels of Ibn Battuta and the Muslim world in 1320. Students read from Battuta's travel book, the Rihla, and a secondary source...

- Split Screen For Your Digital Educational Backpack
Well, if you are going to use all of my ideas for your digital backpack this year, you will also need to know how to split your screen.  This is essential when you want to read your e-textbook and work on an assignment (or have your students do...

- Cloud Computing
This is a short video that defines "the cloud" and looks at the uses for it.  The best part is that the reporter, near the end, asks what will we be using the access the cloud in a few years - a laptop or something else.  One of the reasons...

- Make Your Own Qwiki
Their name, Qwiki, is certainly enjoyed by my students, but when I want an audio, visual and written overview of something I am teaching, it is the best source I can find on the Internet. Now, though, you can create your own Qwiki, narrated, links,...

- Identifying Unknown Images
I have spoken before about Tineye which allows you to identify unknown images either by uploading the image or pasting in the url to find it.  Well now you can also do it using a Google search.  Simply go to the "image" line at the top of the...

World History
