Great Wall of China Quiz
World History

Great Wall of China Quiz

Here is a nice Great Wall of China quiz your students can take.  It has pretty nice interactive features. 

- Personalized Urls
We normally start my classes with a five question quiz where my students can use their notes from their flipped video to answer the questions.  It serves a few purposes.  First I won't count the quiz grade if the notes aren't good enough...

- Studying For The Test By Taking The Test
One of the best ways for students to learn is by taking frequent tests or quizzes. According to an interesting story in the New York Times, that's what two psychology professors found out in an experiment. One professor gave a quiz to his introductory...

- Stickies On A Virtual Wall
Just the other day I was at an in-service where the presenter suggested one technique where students could write one question on a wall and others could answer it.  Then he said that during a test students could look at the wall for a minute or...

- Ecological Footprint
I like to think of myself as fairly energy efficient.  I get give clothes to charity as soon as I buy new ones, recycle tons, hardly use any paper, but then I took this ecological footprint quiz and I find I still need 5.4 earths to support me.  It...

- Blackboard Quiz Converter
We are mandated to use Blackboard and while I link a ton of things to it, here is an easy way to create a file which you can import into Bb for a pre-made quiz.  Just cut and paste the quiz in the box and push the bottom to convert it.  Then...

World History
