Google + For Teachers
World History

Google + For Teachers

I hope you are going to be hearing a lot more about Google + as it might help teachers where Facebook has not.  While Facebook is just a tremendous way that teachers could have kids talking about assignments after hours, most school systems ban it and in some cases for good reason.  But Google+ allows you to create "circles" that would allow you to say, make a class for your students and they could only see what you put there and not what you might put in a circle of your personal friends.  Imagine the benefits if people joined this.  There are four parts of Google + called circles, huddles, hangouts and sparks which you can find out about here.  Above is a short video showing you what it looks like if you are able to get an invitation to the beta testing of Google +.   Here is some more information on sharing pictures in it and more ideas for the classroom..

- Adding A Video Into Google Forms
Yesterday Google added the ability to insert a video into Google forms.  All you need to do is to go to the "insert" tab and then go down to "video" and then find it on Youtube.  Alternatively you could watch this one minute video to do it....

- Google+ As Part Of Your Professional Network
On Tuesday I will doing an in-service for my fellow social studies chairs.  Time permitting (and it will be tough since I am also showing them Twitter), I will be discussing Google Plus (also known as Google+). To begin with Google+ came into existence...

- Collaborate In Google Docs While In A Google+ Hangout
This video does a great job of going through all of the new parts of Google+ hangouts such as how to edit Google Docs, diagrams and doodles together with others in the hangout.  If you have not heard of "hangouts" it allows you to meet with up to...

- Use Google Docs In A Google+ Hangout
While people still love their Facebook, Google+ is starting to have lots of amazing features that Facebook doesn't have. For example I have written about how you can have a video chat with nine others (and I've seen some Google people doing it...

- Google Plus Huddles
If you have been following the changes to your Facebook page closely recently, you might have noticed that many of the new changes have been to mirror what one can do in Google+.  Of course Facebook has 750 million people and after just 90 days...

World History
