Glencoe Resources Aplenty
World History

Glencoe Resources Aplenty

As I prepare for an in-service in late August to help our county's teachers grapple with our new e-books, I will be giving you updates on the free ancillaries as I learn of them.  As usual Glencoe has the most free items online.  If you go here you can find them for each of their books.  Whether or not you use their books, the ancillaries are extremely rich and will give you tons of additional ways to present the material in a digital format. Included are videos, games, quizzes, links, puzzles and a lot of other items.

- Free Online Ancient World Civ Etextbook
We are in our fifth year of using an online textbook with our students and so it never ceases to amaze me that Pearson still isn't ready for prime time.  Every year at this point, when everyone is logging in their books, they can't handle...

- Complete Journey Across Time Online Version
So thanks to one of my teacher-students, Melissa Davis, for finding this.  One of the best special education e-books out there is the 2008 Journey Across Time, but it so happens that the entire text is online in pdf format.  Here, for example,...

- Audio And Written Notes In An E-book
Kno is a start-up that is just about two years old, but is already working with tons of e-books to make them even better.  If you are toying with buying e-books, you can see what is starting to be out there.  In the above video, one sees how...

- Reading Critically
Next Monday I am teaching a three hour course for AP students on preparing them for this fall (well for us in VA it is fall since we do not see kids until Sept 7th!).  One of the things I will concentrate on will be reading for understanding.  Well...

- E-textbook
I am huge proponent of moving textbooks online, especially since the major textbook companies have finally figured it out and now have a number of digital ancillaries that come with the books. But every one in while they do server maintenance or have...

World History
