Flipped Video Collections for World History
World History

Flipped Video Collections for World History

If you are looking for videos to use in your World History class, here are mine.  They are pretty simple and straight to the point and made with Screencastomatic (here's how).   Here is another set (I wish I knew the name, but it's not on them).  You can see examples of both below.  Of course you can also use John Green's Crash Course.  I used to think they were too fast paced, but am now convinced that if you teach your students to take organized notes, that they are pretty good as they, unlike a textbook, force students to thoughtfully organize what they are hearing into categories.  Thinking, of course, makes them retain the information better than just outline a book chapter.  Watch the first few minutes of the John Green video above as it has the best answer I've ever heard on why we should study history.  I should add that all of his videos are written by one of his high school history teachers.

- Screencastomatic For Flipping Your Class
I have made every single one of my flipped videos with Screencastomatic. It is entirely free and while you can set up an account, I never have as it uploads your videos straight into YouTube.  The only limitation is that the free version only allows...

- What To Flip In A Flipped Class
This is adapted from my book, Deeper Learning Through Technology: How to Use the Cloud to Individualize Instruction, which comes out on the 27th (and you can pre-order now).   WHAT TO FLIP IN A FLIPPED CLASSROOM          To...

- John Green World History Flipped Videos
Author John Green has completed flipped videos for all of world history.  Above is the first in the installments.  The first minute has the best explanation I've ever seen on why students should study history.  ...

- The Cold War
It has been a while since I posted a John Green video but with all our snow days you might be going a wee bit quickly to finish the year and might want a quick review.  So above is a flipped video on the Cold War.    All John Green videos...

- Ted Ed Examples
If you saw Ken's post the other day, then you know that Ted Talks now has a way for you to flip any You Tube video and ask questions about the video after its viewed. I tried it with a John Green crash course video about the Dark Ages and then made...

World History
