First World History Unit on PreHistory
World History

First World History Unit on PreHistory

Finally I feel as if my world history freshmen are hitting their technological stride as they can now  make folder, documents, move them about, share with someone else, copy my documents in Google Drive.  Since I put so much technology on them early I try to be a bit traditional early on in other places. For example for part of the first unit I do a traditional PowerPoint and have outline notes (titles, and subtitles) for them to fill as we go.  Above is the first PowerPoint of the year on pre-history. 

- How To Use Prezis
Jason van Cassell is doing an in-service for social studies teachers tomorrow on how to use Prezi.  Prezis are a cool alternative to PowerPoints.  I like them best as they force the creator to think about a more enticing PowerPoint that can...

- Free Conference Call
It dawned on me this morning that if Frank and I had needed to speak to more than each other last night I could have shared my screen with lots of people and we could have gotten a free conference call using FreeConferenceCall.  I first heard about...

- China Powerpoint
I started this blog (and the US and government ones) to be able to share with teachers everywhere which is why I so appreciate all the e-mails I get for items to put on the website.  I can't claim that I made all of this PowerPoint as I inherited...

- 5 Themes Of Geography
We just started school last week and had a day off for flooding.  So hopefully my kids will get to the 5 themes of geography.  Here are three links (one, two, three) and above is video on it.  Below is the PowerPoint (made in Google Presentation)...

- Presentation From Google Docs
We do a ton of collaboration at my school so I can tell you that I have added very little to the PowerPoint above.  But I did upload it into the "Presentation" mode (Google's name for PowerPoint) and since I my district requires us to use Blackboard,...

World History
