Buried treasure. An emperor's booby-trapped tomb
World History

Buried treasure. An emperor's booby-trapped tomb

Ancinet records suggest that Qin Shi Huangdi's tomb is filled with treasures. They also suggest that the tomb has an extensive security system possibly with pools of mercury and loaded crossbows. Sounds like they might need Indiana Jones to get in there. World 9 kids might enjoy this short article..

- Russian Communists Upset With Indiana Jones
Some Russian Communists are unhappy with the new Indiana Jones film. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull opened in Russia on Thursday. The communist distaste for the film can be seen at a CNN article titled Indiana Jones movie upsets communists....

- Alexander The Great's Shield Found?
Has the shield (and crown) of Alexander the Great been found? Some archaeologists believe they have. Alexander the Great is regarded by many as the greatest general who ever lived. He died young at 32 and probably his biggest mistake was overextending...

- Herod’s Tomb Reported Found
Has the tomb of Herod the Great been found? It looks like it may have been. A Los Angeles Times article by Ken Ellingwood titled Israeli claims site is Herod's tomb has the details. Ellingwood wrote, "For more than three decades, Israeli archaeologist...

- Hwasong Fortress In Suwon
Hwasong Fortress in Suwon Henny Savenije describes the construction of this fortress built (1794-1796) in Suwon, Korea by King Jeongjo. He includes the original drawings for it from the manuscript book Hwasong Seongyeok Uigwe. From the site: The...

- The Hunt For Genghis Khan's Tomb
Thanks to eagle eyes Rebecca Small for finding this article from Newsweek that discusses the hunt to find the tomb of the great Mongol leader Genghis Khan's tomb. It is a fascinating read that, among others, discusses the fight over whether he was...

World History
