Bloom's Taxonomy Via Google
World History

Bloom's Taxonomy Via Google

Yes, I have a few days of vacation sandwiched in between shuttling my kids to all their summer sports.  I just found this great picture of all the ways you can carry out student learning via online tools from Google.  Go here to see a bigger version of Kathy Schrock's picture.  Definitely take a look at the close up as it is amazing what you can do to enhance your students' learning via the Internet.  Each picture can be clicked on and will take you to the site where you can create it.  

- Cheating Using Technology
Normally I like to assume the best from my students, but I know they are not perfect.  Some would say that is reason enough to not use anything other than paper, but I see enough kids in the halls copying each other's paper assignments or using...

- Famous People Painting With Zoom-it
This is a cool painting called "Famous People Painting - Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante." If you go here, you can use your mouse and scroll over the people for their names. Kids love figuring who the people are. The other cool thing is the zoom...

- A Search Engine Within A Document
I split my screen a great deal so I can look at websites and complete my project ideas for my students (or have a gradebook on one side and student work on the other).  Well now Google is making it easier to avoid having to do this.  When you...

- Google Glasses
If there is one main idea I want to get across in this blog it is that teachers should be changing all the time (and I assume in coming to this site you probably are).  While Google's glasses are still a ways away (as are the contact lenses...

- Just Since I've Been Married!
Google is one year older than my marriage.  Like the company my life has changed a lot during that time from adding a cat, then a dog, then three kids and finally another dog, Google has changed a lot as well as you can see from the graphic.  I'm...

World History
