BBC History: Before and After the Great Fire of London
World History

BBC History: Before and After the Great Fire of London

BBC History: Before and After the Great Fire of London - An interactive animation comparing key landmarks of the London skyline before and after the Great Fire, from panoramic etchings made by Wenceslaus Hollar in 1647 and 1667.

From the site:

What did London look like before and after the Great Fire in 1666? View the animation above to see etchings of the London skyline made before and after the event.

In the aftermath of the Great Fire of London, Sir Christopher Wren was entrusted with the task of rebuilding St Paul's Cathedral, the greatest building project of the age. View Wren's changing designs for St Paul's.

In 1666 the Great Fire devastated the City of London. But was it an accident or a Papist plot?

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World History
