World History
Apps to Use in the Classroom
This has been a great week as one of the things I have is work with a team of six others on coming up with apps that one can use on smartphones and tablets. We started with a long list of several hundred and knocked it down to 76 and finally to 25. While the list was initially meant for social studies teachers, it so happens that only about 5 are content specific. So the list starts with items such as Mobile Mouse which lets you move around the classroom, to a QR reader (and maker), ways to make whiteboards with audio, video, images, our favorite flash card maker, ways get to get students to write easily get their homework down, a collaborative video maker and more. I have highlighted some of these devices and will continue to do more, but if you wanted to play around with some great apps this summer, I hope you'll like our list.
Effective Classroom Methodology
As I begin a new school year - my 25th, (my student have their first day on Tuesday) I always like to reflect on what setup (beyond the physical part) is best for my students. So Hip (Keith Hughes) has a great list of what is most important...
Google Classroom Is Growing
Until today Google Classroom has been little more than a souped up way to use Google Drive to organize your students. But starting today, it has added twenty apps to the suite. So if you use or are thinking of using Google Classroom above...
Take My Integrating Technology Into The Classroom Class
Starting tomorrow (August 28th at 4 pm), if you work in Fairfax County, VA you can sign up to take my course called "Enhancing the Use of Technology In The Classroom." It will be 10 weeks and give you 2 credits and will be offered on Thursdays...
Apps For Any Classroom
Today I am doing an in-service for school based technology specialists in my county. Above is an Educreations' presentation I will be showing them about what they will learn in our hour together. Here is the e-sheet with 25 apps for smartphones...
Bloom's Taxonomy And Apps
This summer I am fortunate to be working on several projects. Two of them are question writing for my count's database and finding apps to use in the classroom. That is why Kathy Schrock's "Bloomin Apps" is perfect for me as it lists...
World History