Anne Frank
World History

Anne Frank

Anne Frank House Online
Here is a site where you can take a virtual tour of Anne Frank's House. You can also see some short movies about what life was like for Anne Frank as well as find out about the people who were living with and near her. As with the item below, I found this from a Tweet, this time from "ShellTerrell" who is a teacher I follow from Germany. Above is the only know video of Anne Frank.

- 3d Anne Frank House And Video Of Her
Thanks to Open Culture for this one.  Above is the only know video of Anne Frank looking out of her hiding place.   Here is a 3D tour of the apartment which I got to see something like 36 years ago! Many museums now have 3D tours.  Just...

- How To Start Your Students On The Flipped Experience
So yesterday when George Coe and I were teaching how to flip, Frank Franz was sitting on the sidelines and occasionally answering questions.  One of the best questions was how do you get your students to accept the concept of flipping.  Well...

- Intro Video For Your Students On Flipped Learning
Today George Coe, Frank Franz and I did a presentation on flipping the classroom.  One question that always comes up is how do the students receive the idea if they have never done it before.  Frank actually has his students watch a flipped...

- Google Cultural Institute
Google has an amazing collection of online exhibitions dealing with world history. The collection is called The Cultural Institute. The collections include exhibitions on D-Day, Anne Frank, Auschwitz, and Nelson Mandela. The images are awesome ...

- Anne Frank's House
This is a pretty cool site that shows the inside of the house that Anne Frank hide inside.  It has a narrated tour of each tour.  In the past I have also posted the only known video of Frank which happened to be taken from her looking out the...

World History
