Amazing Collection of Flipped Class Ideas
World History

Amazing Collection of Flipped Class Ideas

I am writing a book right now and one of the items I found in my research is this amazing research on flipped videos.  It gives research, Twitter handles, examples of flipped teaching, sites to go to learn about flipped learning, digital tools explaining how to make the videos.  If you are flipping or thinking about it, it is amazing so thanks to Dan Spencer for putting it together. 

- Screencastomatic For Flipping Your Class
I have made every single one of my flipped videos with Screencastomatic. It is entirely free and while you can set up an account, I never have as it uploads your videos straight into YouTube.  The only limitation is that the free version only allows...

- Take Our Online Class
Richard Byrne of FreeTech4Teachers and are going to be leading an online course .  In "Teaching History using the Web" we take you through the process of developing engaging, web-based history lesson plans. This course features three interactive...

- Flipped Learning And Differentiation
Believe it or not the NYTimes has an opinion piece advocating the Flipped Classroom.  But it is the quasi flipped classroom which I use a lot in our combined ESOL World History I class (which is a ESOL and standard education students combined in...

- A Webinar On The Flipped Classroom
Thanks to the head of social studies in my county, Alice Reilly, who gave me the heads up on this which she found on Eschoolnews which is a daily e-mail for people interested in technology news.  On Tuesday, March 20 from 2:00-3pm ET there...

- More On The Flipped Classroom
Here's a s short clip in which a science teacher explains how he flipped his classroom. He offers a good explanation of how it works. Most flipped classrooms are in science and math but one school has flipped all core courses. The principal says...

World History
