Alternative History
World History

Alternative History

Alternative History. I have from time to time posted links to sites which deal with alternate history. I must admit that I enjoy this topic a great deal. What if...

Mind you, alternate history is at best just a good guess at what might have happened if one or two events had been a bit different. Or, in many cases, it is an excuse in good (or bad) science fiction. (When the aliens show up in the story, I would not class a site as being alternate history.)

The blogged site of the day is a collection of 26 sites which have alternate history on them. Some are better than others but all explore interesting themes.

- John Titor, Proven Hoax
Put a fork in him, the John Titor story has now been proven to be a hoax. Almost two years ago, I posted John Titor, Fake Time Traveller. That post now has 26 comments on it and I had to reject dozens of others who continued to irrationally claim that...

- Never On These Shores
Last month, I received a book in the mail. It was a free copy sent by the publisher with the hopes I would review it. The book is Never on These Shores by Stephen R. Pastore. It is an alternate history of World War Two. Here is a brief plot summary of...

- Requiem For Rome
Alternate history can take many forms. Sometimes it can be simple (What if Lincoln had lived?) to the unbelievable such as Harry Turtledove's accounts of aliens invading during World War Two. I recently read a role playing game supplement that goes...

- Alternate History Travel Guides
Alternate History Travel Guides. Over 25 travel guides, one pocket guide, and one Interdimensional Brewpub Tour, four worlds and counting. If you like alternate history scenarios, this is a fun site. From the site: The Alternate History Travel Guides...

- The Electric Eclectic
The Electric Eclectic. This is a great collection of history Web sites. It is organized by Jim Eccleston. I guess he just adds stuff he likes. Regardless, this is a good collection and I will be using it to find more quality sites in the future for this...

World History
