10 Most Historically Inaccurate Movies?
World History

10 Most Historically Inaccurate Movies?

Yahoo! has an article up titled 10 Most Historically Inaccurate Movies. The subtitle notes, "Films that make your high school history teacher cry." Here are the ten that made the list:

1. 10,000 B.C.

2. Gladiator

3. 300

4. The Last Samurai

5. Apocalypto

6. Memoirs of a Geisha

7. Braveheart

8. Elizabeth: The Golden Age

9. The Patriot

10. 2001: A Space Odyssey

I do not think that 10,000 B.C. belongs on this list. It is not an attempt at history. It is straight out fiction set in a fictional remote past. 2001 is science fiction and doesn't belong either. Yes, the predictions made didn't happen but it is not a history movie. We known the Star Trek is science fiction too and not a history. Obviously, there were no Eugenic Wars and a leader known as Khan either in the 1990s. If the Star Trek movie franchise is not confused as history, why put 2001 on the list?

Films associated with Mel Gibson make the list three times. However, one of them (Braveheart) won best picture at the Oscars. They may have historical inaccuracies but these Gibson films have stimulated interest in history and given those cringing high school history teachers a tool to motivate discussions on historical topics.

I get annoyed by bad history presentations by Hollywood too. However, I do think it is OK for writers and directors to take some liberties with history to tell a good story. How much liberty they take is a matter which can be be fairly debated but I think most people are alright with some deviance from reality.

Any other films which should be on this list? Are there some which should be removed?

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World History
